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    American FinTech Company



    Fintech refers to the integration of technology into offerings by financial services companies to improve their use and delivery to consumers.

    Company bridges the gap between Cryptocurrency/DeFi and legacy finance.

    Company’s B2B white label allows companies to issue branded cards that enable their customers to spend crypto using a more familiar method. The white label is currently used by 25+ Web3 companies and acts as the critical infrastructure servicing bank accounts and cards globally. Proving product viability, the flagship

    Company card provides 50K active users a way to easily buy and spend crypto; this product also allowed the company to bootstrap to 8-figure ARR thanks to its proprietary, automated crypto-to-fiat liquidity platform.


    • White label partners do all marketing
    • White label partners: 20+ organizations
    • 50K active Company Card users
    • Live in all 50 US States, the UK and 26 EU countries
    • Rolling out LATAM countries
    • Program manager for VISA, AMEX, and Mastercard


    2023F: $20M
    2022: $10M
    2021: $19.9M

    Basic Details

    Target Price:


    Gross Revenue




    Business ID:



    United States


    Business ID:L#20230451
    Property Type:Financial Services
    Property Status:For Sale
    Target Price: $25,000,000
    Gross Revenue:$10,000,000
    Target Price / Revenue:2.5x
    Target Price / EBITDA:25000000x
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      Fintech refers to the integration of technology into offerings by financial services companies to improve their use and delivery to consumers.

      Company bridges the gap between Cryptocurrency/DeFi and legacy finance.

      Company’s B2B white label allows companies to issue branded cards that enable their customers to spend crypto using a more familiar method. The white label is currently used by 25+ Web3 companies and acts as the critical infrastructure servicing bank accounts and cards globally. Proving product viability, the flagship

      Company card provides 50K active users a way to easily buy and spend crypto; this product also allowed the company to bootstrap to 8-figure ARR thanks to its proprietary, automated crypto-to-fiat liquidity platform.



      2023F: $20M
      2022: $10M
      2021: $19.9M

      MergersCorp M&A
      International As Seen On

      • brand 1
      • brand 1
      • brand 1
      • brand 1
      • brand 1